Grow your own food

Build your own Grow Dome with these 2 Dome Green House designs. Great for starting seeds and growing vegetables. Download the detailed pdf instructions and start building your own garden dome dream work and growing space, extend your growing season.

  • Make the Templates

    Step 1:

    Download the Grow Dome plans. Follow instruction, start by making templates to assemble the wall and roof panels on sheets of Plywood.

  • Cut the 2"x4"s

    Step 2:

    Cut pine 2"x4" to correct lengths, rip in half then to correct angle. Assemble 10 wall panels and 10 roof panels with the templates.

  • Assemble Grow Dome

    Step 3:

    Assemble 10 wall panels with 10 roof panels after painting and stretching the 6mm poly over the panels. Install your custom Grow Dome workspace.

Good with snow, great for growing.

Let's get growing!

Teaching people to build their own growing spaces is our goal. Food security is the plan. Developing detailed plans, refining the designs and sharing the knowledge takes time and effort. Help fund the visions growth.

Indegogo campaign